Hi, Just a note to say many many thanks for your website. I'll give a quick overview of my circumstances as it may well help others, especially network admins. I run a small network (5 pcs, 1 domain controller, mostly NT4, 1 Mac) with a shared internet connection which is filtered using Deerfield's Wingate. Behind my firewall, I run my own DNS server for various reasons which forwards to the firewall for external resolution. Shortly after connecting to ADSL (although I don't think that the timeing was exactly related), I had problems with my DNS server keeling over (although it was rare that I caught this until too late before I started actively pursuing the problem). Then Wingate started keeling over with errors which said simply to contact the vendor. Wingate refused to reload without a full reboot of the server and afterwards took nearly 30 minutes to load. The problem was TSADBOT.EXE on one of the networked PCs trying to connect to conducent. As you state, TSADBOT refuses to recognise when it is being told that a DNS entry does no longer exist and instead chooses to send myriad requests to the set DNS server ad infinitum (I got 10-15/second) and will continue to do so until it gets an answer (impossible now that conducent have finally gone out of business). This was putting an unservable strain on my Microsoft DNS Server with the final result that the DNS server itself managed to develop a memory leak which managed to consume all of the available resources on the server (although I haven't actually managed to find any information regarding a specific leak in M$ DNS Server apart from the issues which are (apparently) fixed in the NT ServicePacks) and eventually crashed. In turn, the DNS Server forwarded the requests to the Wingate server which keeled over when it was unable to service the sheer volume of requests passing through it. I contacted Deerfield about the problem and they have provided me with considerable support services and even an upgrade to the latest version. However, the latest version will still keel over, it just takes a little longer. Deerfield are apparently working on a solution as this problem was unknown. The problem with the Wingate server taking so long to reload was the size of the logfiles that had been generated by the continual DNS requests for a non-existant server. My first experience with this nasty little piece of software was in November and I have just been re-infected by the Photocopier utility from Nico2000.com. Unfortunately it is a good utility (IMHO) and I can't find any mention of Spyware being installed with it. I don't know if this will help or not but I hope that it will let some people know what can be causing problems with their Wingate servers et al. It took me a while to figure it out and realise exactly what was going on and your website is an excellent resource for this and related problems. Many thanks, Myran